Saturday, January 20, 2007

FYI: Call for Entries

For any artistically-inclined class members:

Call for Entries (questions can be addressed to me at, or in person, of course)

Thesis | Antithesis | Prosthesis:
Histories and Futures of Prosthetics

Prosthesis: An Etymology
1553, "addition of a letter or syllable to a word" from Latin; from
Greek: prosthesis "addition," from prostithenai "add to," from pros
"to" + tithenai "to put, place." Meaning "artificial body part": first
recorded 1706.

The contemporary moment is marked by two general trends in the use of prosthetics:
(1) Using material/technology to replace what is "lacking" from our bodies. (2) the embodiment of material/technology to transform experience and make oneself conscious of realities otherwise unimaginable.

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Contemporary artists whose work explores these trends and the spaces in between (bodies, definitions, etymologies, histories, identities, technologies). We are especially interested in work which connects up with the history and science of prosthetics. In addition, we are looking for pieces that can help broaden the scope of prosthetic art to include questions of race, class, gender, and cultural identity.

To Submit:
We are accepting work in all media (including performance art). Please send 4 digital files (in internet friendly format) documenting your work to Along with the images please include two short paragraphs, the first of which should describe and offer context on the submitted images, the second of which should speak to how the work might fit into the context of the show.

The Show is sponsored by The Transom Gallery in Durham, North Carolina:


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