Thursday, April 05, 2007

"No One Exceeds their Potential"

When the director of GATTACA is being questioned by the police about the genetic quotients of his employees, he makes this statement: "No one exceeds their potential--it just means that we made an incorrect assessment of their actual potential." In the film, there seems to be no room made for people who defy what their genes say, specifically Vincent. His parents, his brother Anton, and basically everyone around him make it vehemently clear that his heart condition and the fact that he will die at an early age will make it incredibly difficult (basically impossible) for him to pursue his dream job at GATTACA.

The idea that genes define who you are is taken to a whole other level. While it is clear that de-gene-rates know that they will not be able to live "beyond their genes" in a world like this, the director also presents this idea that those who are genetically superior will hit some type of invisible ceiling. No matter how wonderful you are, you can exceed the potential that your genes have given you. As disheartening as this may be for those who are lower on the genetic scale, I think that it might be even worse to know that even though you are equipped with all of the genetic tools to succeed, someone is telling you that you cannot cross this invisible line into greater potential because your genes have spoken.

Using a genetic broker, as well as the real Jerome Morrow, Vincent goes above and beyond to prove that he is able to "live beyond his genes" and obtain his coveted position at GATTACA. He shows not only that a de-gene-rate can be transformed into one of the genetically superior, but also that there is no ceiling to the human potential.


Blogger Quinn said...

My question here is, why should genetic (and thus physical) potential used as the sole means of measuring *human* potential? Even though on some level, this makes sense (those with unusually large lung capacities are probably more suited to running, etc), it's really very provincial to think that human potential is completely limited by physical boundaries. After all, what makes us human is our intelligence and emotions -- no one's future should ever be judged, because there is no way to measure how much passion, drive, and mettle a person has hidden inside.

8:42 PM  

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